Why write a blog?

Well, everyone’s doing it, so why can’t I?  That was my first thought.  The kids are finally in bed and I can actually sit down and begin writing this.  I’ve thought about writing a blog for a long time now, but nothing has ever come to fruition. Today I begin my “blog journey”.

Just to get you up to speed, here is a little bit about me. I am a mum to 2 gorgeous bambinos, a boy and a girl. My firstborn, a son is 2 years old.  My second, a girl is 5 months. 5 months yesterday in fact.  I’m fast approaching 40 and live in the leafy suburb of Hertfordshire with my long suffering husband of 6 years.(so he says!!).

I want this blog to be of all things that interest me.  It could be anything. I’m hoping my blog will take you on a journey of things I like.


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How did I end up with 2 kids?

I’ve been with my husband for nearly 18 years now. Married for 7 of them.  I always wanted children, but for me, it wasn’t the be all and end all.  I knew that somewhere along the line they would come along.  So in 2014 we began trying to start a family.  We were very lucky and conceived quite quickly. During this pregnancy I was diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes, which in a strange way was quite the blessing as instead of putting on weight, I lost it.  I actually even weighed less than I did before the diabetes, after I had my baby boy. To begin with the diabetes was diet controlled, but towards the end it became medication controlled. Metformin to be precise which is probably the most vilest medication I have ever take and made me feel really sickly.

Towards the end of 2016 I suggested to my husband that we try again for baby number 2 as I wasn’t getting any younger and wanted both my babies by the time I hit the age of 40. Again we were lucky and baby number 2 was conceived.  The pregnancy this time round was horrendous.  Diagnosed with gestational diabetes again from an earlier stage, I was constantly sick and dizzy. I was aneamic, had pelvic girdle pain and tendonitis on both feet. By month 8 I just wanted this baby out.  To top it off, I spent 10 days in hospital before, during and after the birth having steroid jabs as I had to deliver her at week 38.  I thought I was going to look like one of those models on the front page of a pregnancy magazine.  Instead, I looked like complete and utter crap!

So there you have it, 2 kids and my family is complete.

Red dress!

Super excited. Today marks the 1st day of the end of my breastfeeding journey and what better way to mark the occasion than to purchase this gorgeous red dress from Zara. Frills are most certainly the flavour of fashion at the moment! I just hope I don’t lactate in it as apparently it can take a while for your boobs to stop producing milk once you have finished. For the past 2 years I have either been pregnant/sick/breastfeeding and just wearing clothes that are comfortable and that have easy access to my boobs.  Not anymore. I’m going to slowly start to rebuild my wardrobe now that is all well and truly behind me.  I’m hoping to wear it on my first girl’s night out since having Florence.  Only thing is, I now need to buy a pair of shoes to complete the outfit. I don’t think I want to buy short boots as suggested by Zara! So any ideas would be gratefully received.

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